Father What Did For His Child

New Delhi (K) Parents can go to any extent for their children, and would be an example of the best Indian Idris who hate the society for his three daughters and did not age them to avoid the embarrassment of what they let's work.

According to a Times of India report Idris said "I applied to the education of their daughters penny of revenue. I always buy books for them instead of buying new clothes because I wanted to live a life of respect.

 I always kept secret the fact that his daughter was a janitor so that they will not be ashamed in front of anyone. Before the house was bathed in a public toilet was clean and was taken home.

I washed them in higher education and put their education to a rupee.

Once I did not have money to enroll in college my younger daughter was very sad. When my colleagues saw me shed tears down the garbage they came to me. They say they know why I was crying, "Have you been keeping us do not understand your brother? 'Then all the labor of my hands on. Now my youngest daughter's university education is completed. He often brought food to my colleagues. As the father of such a child will feel Why the poor themselves.

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